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20-12-2016 à 13:45:45
Paul cris towie weight loss
The toast rack keeps it crisp and prevents the soggy mass on the side of the plate Americans call toast. Meaning free health care and access to benefits immediately (a service provided by the Queen supposedly exclusive for UK citizens). You find them in Australia and New Zealand. People still comment on my accent think its lovely. Drinking: Binge drinking is a bit of a Northern European problem. Your disclaimer, that your 9 points were just in fun confused me. How likely is it I, an average Brit, would be seen with J. Most people here are kind, thoughtful and interested in hearing about Britain, everyone wants to visit. The pub as a positive social force is on the decline, in my view, partly because of the growing tendency for all public spaces to be flooded with pointless background music. Good service does exist in Britain and is given if they like you and not because they are looking for a good tip. A British friend told me the BNP is the equivalent of the KKK, which made me feel good about the States. LOL It is funny how much they do like toast. Its not mandatory to like it, even for Brits it was never one of those roll-around-the-floor laughing, side splittingly funny comedies compared to say, Only Fools and Horses, which can actually make you laugh all the way through. ( These laws were said to reinforce the spirit of homeland sacrifice as the US men fought in two theaters of war, Pacific and Atlantic. Watch some more modern stuff and you might begin to get it. There are other things to drink at the pub than alcohol. The Brits go to pubs or teenagers hang out in town centers etc. If not, you can order online from their website. Xenophobia is more a media thing. Joey Fisher abandons music career, drops 100 pounds, and becomes fitness role model. Oi, toast is not a treat, its the same everywhere. I am sorry when I hear anyone complain about Britain, I could wear your ears out with things that go wrong here. The most relaxing ATM on Earth unveiled in London. We get jealous, sure, but we are in a hugely capitlist society. One of my favorite types of UK TV programmes are panel shows, and for the past year there have been untold comments as to how London will (naturally) screw up the Olympics: Traffic will be horrible, the opening and closing ceremonies will be naff, Boris Johnson will be his usual idiot self, and Will. They are as bad as the Guardian and Indie put together. Unless your vacation is going to be a few months long, I recommend you pick a few things of interest to you, such as history, architecture, castles, the countries of GB, seashores, hiking, nature, and so forth. As a Brummie I admittedly have chips on both shoulders about this. You ask for ice they think youre losing your mind and you get two cubes if you are lucky. Unlike here, there are no Red Caps at major stations and no nice Amtrak conductors to take pity on you and help you get your bags on and off their train. But then again the first Europeans know to have come to the Americas and the land of the US were Spaniards and the French, who also ruled half of the American territory we have today. com please consider upgrading to one of the following. Because we are part of the EU we can work and live anywhere in the EU and vice versa, hence there are a lot of polish workers. I am a Brit living in the States, I married my American girlfriend and here I am. The omnipresence of alcohol at social events is something that particularly bothers me, being a lifelong teetotaler. Third Issue Update: All Subscriptions Have Been Mailed We have finished mailing out all subscriptions and single issue orders of the third issue of the Anglotopia Magazine. What helped me get into it was a humor major explaining that in England sex is not risque, but violence is. However, you have to realise that London has a massive class divide. I have some very dear friends who live there but could never do the same. We often had it on toast for breakfast, but none of my American friends could understand it. Unless I can convince my company to transfer me there. Filed Under: Anglophilia, Britishness, Featured, Humor, Travel About Jonathan Jonathan is a consummate Anglophile with an obsession for Britain that borders on psychosis. I recently went back for two weeks in May, and while I prefer Manchester, I went down to London to visit a friend. We have made changes to our Privacy Policy. When I made my communion had to have special permission from the Bishop to wear blue shoes and pink buttons on my dress, nothing else was available. Drinking is a large part of the culture and charm of Britain. I get AMAZING service in England, whether in town or country. You often make it sound quite a dangerous place. Others had honey if that was local, some had molasses and some had corn syrup. God invented toast so we would have something to put jam on. People can get quite bitter about this and we would prefer to have british workers but it does mean we can go and work over in france if we want or anywhere else. I relish the things about the UK which are different and have found people to be welcoming and helpful. So people connect hot buttered toast with comfort and safety. But as I worked in the theatre there, I saw most of the rest of the UK as well including Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland (which is beautiful). You cannot profess to be an Anglophile, but want to change a slew of things that are deeply cut into the British psyche. Hooray for Monty Python, and Yes Minister, and Father Ted (Irish, I know) and the Goon Show etc etc. I am an American who has had the priviledge of living in the UK for just over five years. I like it warm, well browned and slathered in butter, which I may or may not top with strawberry jam. By continuing to use our website you accept to our use of cookies. The rest of the country believes, if you have a southern accent, it equates to being stupid. Learn to love your Pims cup and actually I only like Beer in London. Alternatively, you can find out more about cookies and how to change your cookie preferences. HUMANS are wanted, it does not matter where they come from. Yes, education in Britain is one way to elevate oneself, but only to a certain level. People from poor countries cannot immigrate because of Europeans. Going to UK made it all make much more sense to me. I was raised in Britain during the war and stuffed from hunger, toast with little butter, no jam or a boiled egg was often dinner. Yes, most of us are aware that there is a whole country outside of London. We expect to begin shipping out in 2-3 weeks. Ironically, not liking stuff is one of the main elements of Britishness. I admit it is a bit off, but my father threw it at me when I was 12 and somehow I began giggling. Driving is awful, gangs are inevitable, and crime rate is very high. Here in the US, staff seem to zero in the minute you enter a store. Photos: Dirty Heads delivered a performance for the books on a rainy night at Red Rocks. This allows the diners to eat talk and relax rather then pushing customers out. My family background is English, Irish, Austrian and Swedish. Toast was a treat, as were so many foods. When I opt for ice I always get a decent amount. Comments will be heavily moderated to avoid racism, abuse, etc. Surely there must be at least one, as the company has nearly 300 stores across the U. We would love to move there, but as you said it is pretty much impossible now. I lived for a year in Manchester in the north, and a lot of the items on your list are more southern concerns. have a lot to offer. And by the same token, many wealthy people are a mess and quite unhappy. The point of Monty Python is that appeals very deeply and strongly to a irresistible compulsion that all English people share, that is deeply ingrained within their psyche from birth onwards: that is, to extinguish the passion and melodrama from situations by reducing them to down to hilariously banal and mundane. I hated all rationing, no one mentioned clothing rations. Day and night, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year. Came home and found toast racks at thrift stores to use. I think barley water was originally intended for a stomach soothing drink for an invalid. Scoop it out with my finger and chuck it out of the window. This will help when trying to develop a drinking problem. In the US they want you to move along so they can get someone else in there, but in London they seem to want you to take up residence at the table. I challenge you to admire the ecstasy that happens watching a Brit have some toast in the afternoon. They may grumble a bit, but generally they budge up and make room for people from all over the world (including me). and the Cynicism is just because moaning is great British pastime Haha. But Brits are also a very welcoming and accommodating lot. Especially if you live in London and are trying to avoid the rush-hour chaos. There was hell to pay if the bread burnt before it was was not manually changed around to brown both sides. It is also true that we generally have good quality bread. I love toast, and I love Barley water Orange or Lemon. I do believe a balance is necessary but if I were forced to choose between cynicism and optimism I would be more inclined to choose being optimistic and wanting to improve my conditions in life. Plus they hired former Enron advisor Paul Krugman who equates a Nobel on a minor microeconomic thesis with omnipotence. No sane person has had their life changed by a vacuum cleaner. And we never really expected to win Wimbledon even though we invented tennis too. I did find it quite interesting when I made my first trip to UK at 55 during the coldest winter in 80 years, to find that nothing was as I had pictured it in my head. Then we have had centuries of people from outside these islands, who have come to live and work here, and have greatly enriched life here. See More Notes from an English Farm Lost in the Pond Lost in the Pond: 5 Things Americans Ask Me On Thanksgiving. Everywhere I went, when I asked for ice in my soda I first received strange looks, and then when the ice came it was just a few small ice cubes floating pitifully on the top of my Coca-Cola. There are so many silly, sweeping statements on here. I love Monty Python but the first time I saw The Holy Grail I did not like it at all, but I came to love it. I am an American, a true Anglophile who has spent 3 weeks of every summer for the last 17 years in England. Give me a scone over toast any day of the week. Eat it hot. We love it so far, and have a long list of things to do. There is much difference between cynicism and simply ragging on whatever one happens not to like. It means that it is very difficult to be taken in by rubbish. I live in New York City, and the same thing happens here: tourists tour and we natives grumble about everything from the mayor to the heat on the subway. Jacqueline, we Americans had bread, but all things to go on it were rationed: butter was replaced by Oleomargarine-when you could get it. com with your Facebook account. We are respectful, usually, and we WOULD go out of our way to help a stranger, especially from Australia and America. The thing that bothers me the most, however, is the way people drive in London. You may never understand it because you were raised in a country where if you thought it, worked at it and tried hard enough you could become anything you choose. Frank Ocean actually releases music, has another album coming this weekend. One example is the fatalist attitude that nothing can be done to change things. We were on a bus that got stuck behind a jackknifed lory on a 2-lane road. Has to be. Take Mad, raving street preachers for instance, who are often treated with fear, revulsion and sometimes iconic reverence in american cinema. Cindy Huxley: Cindy if you think the Guardian, Independent and Observer give a better idea of the way we think you are delusional like most leftwingers. They take benefits, which the good tax payer pays. They have a special disdain for Eastern Europeans (except the ones that work hard). Tea making is very much a personal thing. Some comments from a South African who has lived in the UK for 20 years. But in general the majority of people control their drinking. Some hang them because they want to show how American they are (a bit of sarcasm there). I agree on the cynicism and the disdain for the successful. Reading stuff from the period, it is clear that out-of-control drunkenness was to be condemned, but until one reached that state, all was well. I just cannot reduce my mind to believe I cannot and should not enjoy life, experience it fully, and desire more. Followed by questions about how much his obvious upset had to do with the poor soul needing to go to the toilet. I have been lucky enough to travel extensively in my life. I love the public transport available all over the UK. Nations like Australia Canada and the US were founded by Europeans with get up and go. Poorly paid, often expected to work weekends and public holidays for no extra remuneration and shackled to the job because it fills the omniscient health insurance requirement without which, and often even with it, a serious accident or illness will see you bankrupt and homeless. What the rest of the UK sees in London the rest of the US sees in NYC times two. I have always had issues with customer service in London as well. No one likes a complainer, and despite the economy and all the degradation in the world, there are far more bright spots in Blighty than blots. This applies, for example, to the English football team, any Brit that plays at Wimbledon, any celebrity that turns out to be human after all, etc. See the future with these 5 rising stars at the 2016 Americana Music Festival. K Rowling on a night out to a dinner party. I am a Native Minnesota, we eat toast, we love toast. They each have a vastly different history and bring their own flavour to British life. The love Benny Hill, Princess Diana and Potters. I spent 3 weeks in GB. Who would have thought I would be discussing toast lol. I left Liverpool to come to the US in 1959, lived in California for ten years before moving to Seattle because a trip there made me feel at home. To some the flag is meaningless but to others it is rather a reminder to assure hope in our nation and to give rise to the American pride. Check out the super cool pets of 5 major musicians. But we keep a stiff upper lip and muddle through. The future of those papers in their print editions is by no means secure, hence their growing focus on digital content (however, the Mail Online website still has far more hits according to the Alexa rankings). Toast was common because after the first day bread was too hard for eating in a plain sandwich. The service was horrible, people were unfriendly and too busy to do much of anything. In America, toast is the lowest on the totem pole of Breakfast importance. We would decide on 3 possible places to visit, go to the train station and hop on which ever train was leaving first. Please understand that these are only opinions and not the consencus of the masses. By checking this box, you consent to receive personalized marketing communications from AXS and the Ticket Supplier for the event, in accordance with our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. I know a lot of tee-totallers who regularly go out to a pub for nothing more than the redeeming aspect of it being a place to meet and greet friends and, as you said, business colleagues. The reason there are so many flags in NYC is the events of September 11. Drinking: what is finer than a nice pint of ale, I ask you. I think after WW2 when America was a boom town, England was still recovering from the Blitz and never really got back on its feet until the Rationing problem went away in the late fifties. It appears that cars actually accelerate toward pedestrians trying to cross the street. Day trips from London are part of the fun, whether it be to Canterbury or even St. I could do with a nice long stretch of really dismal weather. And for god sakes, never, ever, ever try and explain something to them with a cheerful attitude. Not bringing the check until requested is the Continental way. Even glass jars were a treasure to own for canning. While there are recognizable problems with integration throughout Britain, overall being open to foreigners is a GOOD THING. Even in York, I always got a greeting from the clerks. i. My wife has, with her two bachelors degrees and almost completed masters, spent many years in different forms of the retail business here in the USA and is regularly treated very rudely by customers who feel entitled to do so because of their sizeable bank balances. Chitlins are more of an acquired taste, but grits are lovely. Kanye West surpasses hero Michael Jackson with new Top 40 record. I realize that perhaps during WWII, beans were an important source of protein in a diet, but really, baked beans for breakfast is very off-putting. More than any other EU nation, England is a very coveted place to be because most people will have little linguistic challenges there. I have had the most wonderful conversations in Pubs. 1 week in London, 1 in Wales and 1 in England outside of London. As are Grits, fried apples and a lot of other food products in the USA. Straight from the can, or as part of a soup or chili. And finally although we are miserable and drink to much (Research our history as to why the answer is there) we are the most generous loving people and I for one know if I was in a pub and I saw an American tourist wanting to explore the UK we would give you a lift for free. This is on top of the port (stronger then than modern port, with is about 17%) he had before each meal, and the brandy he would imbibe at the card tables after dinner. Toast is a treat to be enjoyed at anytime of the day with coffee or tea. They all loved toast. Only joking Scotland my grandad was in the seaforths. The other thing about service in the states is everyone tips. Before I start I just want to say I do not want to come off as a patronising European. It was probably the most disgusting liquid I ever put into my mouth. As much as I love America, these problems are just as bad in America as anywhere else. And sure enough, the first morning in London David Blaine awoke in his box to the sight of a battalion of greasy spoon chefs cheerily cooking bacon on giant grills directly beneath him, chuckling away to themselves as he stared at the frying meat longingly. And seriously, not to beat a dead horse and all, but Monty Python. Sacred, Serious and emotive subjects like Jesus Christ and the Holy crusades are treated to abrupt intrusions of everyday silliness, like holy Mary mother of Christ walloping her young son for staying out all night. I have lived in England all my 65 years, except for 15 years abroad and it still amazes me that if I go a few miles, say up to 20, from where I was born, I see villages I have never heard of, with an old castle (or remains) or a mediaeval church, Quite amazing. It really is very simple despite what jealous guardians of English comedy who love to believe they invented sarcasm will tell you. I said oh its been raining constantly here, they said how depressing that must be. London is a thriving economic engine for the rest of Britain, whether they like it or not. However, the tourist who comes to Britain and only experiences London has NOT experienced the UK. Why does vegetarian pizza have to have corn on it. We tend to hate immigration because, as someone mentioned, we are not like the USA, we are not large and we cannot support a vast number of people. With all the immigration laws being battled and the name-calling, how can you say Britain is more Xenophobic than America. My advice for you is to turn off the main road on to the narrow side roads and discover some places for yourself. They get lambasted here for it and do not represent Britain, rather they try and force their views on everybody else. I am sorry to say that they probably realised you were American and deliberately gave you that treatment. Hey, toast is great at anytime of the day. Joey Fisher abandons music career, drops 100 pounds, and becomes fitness role model. Actually that means I only know two Americans, her and her dad. Monty Python is just a humorous extension of this psyche. I find it much better here than in New York. I think you should travel elsewhere and associate with non-Brits to make you happy. Makes them more wary of the passing fads we often fall victim to here in the States. The bread slicers and wrapping machines were scrapped, by law, to go to the war effort. There were no equivalents to the lynchings, the bombings of black churches and the violence that Freedom Riders faced when they crossed into certain states here. Thanks for the opportunity to think about the differences between countries. Since I like my coffee with milk, he said I would like it in my tea, and I did. When I have met a travelling American I have found them to be interesting and open minded. Natives there asked great questions of me and were all very helpful. I like to read a range of papers, but realised a little while ago that I was addicted to a daily dose of outrage which I gained by reading the DM, and, which really provides the fix, the comments. Another reason the British may be so negative in my opinion. You are so right about the many wonderful places to see both in and out of London. Perhaps having a couple of millennia of collective history behind them tends to put things in perspective. That said, hanging the flag, regardless of the intent behind the act in the first place is NEVER meaningless. Those newspapers have both been making a loss for their shareholders for several years now due to their low and declining circulation. The BNP are just racist, violent, fascist thugs. Thankfully, the BNP are nowhere near as extreme as the KKK. Here, they, by law, must make at least minimum wage and so, have little incentive. While many people may walk by that flag and think nothing of it, I assure you to many of us it means a great deal. We will of course be London tourists for a few days of our stay but are planning to get out of London and explore other villages to the west and north to see the real UK. Toast: English bread is miles beyond American bread in freshness and quality. I have no idea how my life will play out here, or back in the US, but I did my damnedest to stay here in the UK. What IS nice are the point-of-use water heaters in the shower and the wonderful warm towels from the heated towel bar. And Manchester has the busiest bus route in all of Europe, so transportation is not that difficult (express trains run between London and Manchester every 30 minutes). Service improves the further you get out of London, though. You made it to your particular honey supplier with an empty jar in hand. The Prince of Wales used to put away three bottles of French wine with his evening meal. Can get ugly, for example when the population and the press turn on some hapless and half-witted celebrity, whom they professed to love yesterday, but who has turned out to have feet of clay and is suddenly reviled. What he witnessed was just the British imperative need to re-acquaint pomposity and deluded self belief with its humility. But it is just as prevelant if not more so in the States. No-one does bread like the UK, specially from real bakers, solid and very toastable, but sometimes too lovely to toast. Oh, wait, I never have, it would kill me within a month. It is also a scourge and an embarresment. The fact that we keep getting immigrants living here is frustrating because at this time we can barely support the Brits born here. have procured theirs illegally. Especially now when times are tough and resources are scarce. Its not just about the national love and sport of the humorous anti-climax that fuels this. Why were people (like Cindy no doubt) surprised by the backlash when some started voting for the BNP. The British took pride not only in making a very silly and pointless act a non-event, but also in making it a funny one. And Americans love to build people up just to tear them down. Nowhere is perfect and I agree with many points, especially the bad service. Washing hands in warm water is a bit of a shuffle as you run your hands under scalding, freezing, scalding, freezing again water. Today, the EU prevents the UK from limiting refugees etc. When he died, the whole city went into mourning, and it was genuine. We admire people who take a shit life and turn it around into something better. My wife and I were in London last year and loved the whole experience. We had plans to get outside of London but they fell through at the last minute. Thunder Shut Up: 3 reasons the Utah Jazz slammed Oklahoma City 109-89. We are having a good stab at being patriotic here at the moment because of the jubilee, but I suspect many people feel a bit embarrassed by all the flags. Juxtaposing earnest passion and everyday banality together is at the heart of Monty Python films. Any time. He understands us better than we understand ourselves, I think. Why celebrate others success when you can predict their downfall and be confident in being right more offen than not. Jonathan, as someone who is married to an Englushman and spends time in both locations, I think I have some answers. American is a land of optimism and opportunity and we hold the entrepreneur up with very high regard, Not so much in Britain. How one speaks gives license to all manner of negative behaviour. Never go into a pub that has a sign out front forbidding football colors. Which does rather confirm that you know not of what you speak, Mr Day. I agree with another commenter that the cynicism is a shield. I have been to the UK every year since 1998, sometimes twice, and still enjoy my visits. The UK being a stronger economy with a great free health service and good benefits system to help people in crisis is being taken advantage of by EU residents as people from Europe are free to live here without work permits and such. I was talking to my American friends on Facebook and they were saying how hot it it there. My grandad is a Kelt, and wrote a wonderful poem about immigration, saying how if we got rid of all the immigrants, only the Kelts would be here (he was saying how silly this loathing of immigration is). When others pull on a sweater, I put on a long sleeved shirt. Joey Fisher abandons music career, drops 100 pounds, and becomes fitness role model. You are right about the pull cord for the light in the bathroom being compulsory because of the risk of electrocution, but I think it is because of the extra steaminess and risk of condensation in the bathroom compared with the kitchen. Yes even Barley water was invented to mix with the stuff. I believe the statistic is 1 in 12 Americans have passports and hardly any of those people have ever used them. Save your billing info and buy tickets faster. It is just part of what developed the British sense of humor. Toast is comfort food for Brits (and Commonwealth bods like me): we grew up with it, its quick, easy and cheap (a student staple). The USA is a massive country and can afford to be magnanimous about immigrants because there is land to spare. The British revile confrontation and are not prone to bullying. But hate soccer (they think its a girls game) not a sport, but thats changing. I love it with peach preserves and real butter, but nice and crispy. Most of them are inmigrants and as a inmigrants, they are just as good or as bad as any other people who works in those places. Am enjoying reading the comments but have to leave soon. Service is better in the US almost by default. Its also the love of how skilfully and ironically this can be done. Because of this overhall of immigration from Europe means the government have no choice but to close borders to the rest of the world. Selena Gomez flaunts bikini body after weight loss: Fat-shamed for weight gain. This website, like most others, uses cookies in order to give you a great online experience. Puts my mind at ease that it is more relaxed up there. If you live in the Southern part of the U. My daughter got off the bus with the driver and they walked up the road to see what could be done. I adore rain, fog, and overall gloomy weather. To form your opinion of us based on what The Sun and Daily Mail say is disappointing, coming from someone who seems to have such an understanding of our culture. None of that is to say that the Mail or the Sun are good, though, but it is a fact that both papers are more popular and lucrative than the Guardian and the Independent. Disclaimer: This post is meant all in good fun and is meant to generate a good discussion. Everyone is focusing on bettering themselves and becoming more sucessful and earning more. Your love of Britain will give you a good start. Some of that attitude towards rationing is still pervasive. When world renowned illusionist suspended himself over large cities in a glass box to visibly display his self control while imposing starvation on himself, American news coverage showed images of awe-struck passers by dazzled by the danger and drama, admiring the dedication and commitment of this darkly mysterious and charismatic magician. Heather—————cold toast is the usual in the USA in my experience. Cynicism may be tough to deal with but more often that not a cynic will be proved to have been right. Close Tours Top UK Tour Operators Top London West End Plays Top London West End Musicals Top London Tours Top Day Trips from London Anglophile Recommendations UK Lodging Recommendations Close Slang Top British Slang Articles Top 100 Most Beautiful British Slang Words. She pointed out to the policeman that they could just go get a farmer in the field next to the road, to bring his tractor over and pull the lory out of the road until the tow people could come to help and then the traffic could move again instead of backing up and being stuck for hours. True, until the Chunnel opened in 1994, they were effectively a tight little island.

We would move back tomorrow if we couls afford to, and be able to get a job. In my hall (dorm) we were given 4 slices of bread and 2 pats of butter by the kitchen every day at 4 PM. Never go into a pub on a big commercial square. I did my 3rd year of university in Leeds. As an American-slash-Anglohphile-slash-insane person, I can think of no better place to visit than London. We have enough of that ship to deal with here. And most British people will not hesitate to slag it off (to borrow a British term). First and foremost it sounds like some kind of rodent so before I even touched it to my tongue I was gritting my teeth. Some people hang them to show their support for the country or for our police and fire department. My family toasted bread using a tent-like gizmo that held two slices and sat on the gas stove burner. S. Beans were a staple and often went on the bread, there was seldom meat or poultry or any cheese. We are a negative cynical people and I have often wondered why. They always remind me of an over enthusiastic 12 year old. I think a lot of it stems from the fact that, Even our own people, media, parliament seem to think the World, or at least Britain revolves around London. Poor service comes as a direct result of people in the Customer service industry (whether food, or any other of the various parts of the industry) being paid minimum wage. S. It seems all the major events that come to Britain end up in London when other cities, towns etc. There seems to be a tyranny of optimism in America that really gets under my skin. The British are fine if people continue to wallow in their misfortune. My husband is now deceased and I would love to go again. But in a British production they would be quite likely to find themselves confronted by two old ladies frowning with disapproval and concern about all the fuss he was making. Subtlety of thought is something I have found sadly lacking in most Americans I have met. This was necessary because public drunkenness was so prevalent. The person who equated the BNP to the KKK is talking crap. I am born and bred English, my wife is a WOW (wonderful Ohio woman) who has lived in England for 2 years and the fact she agrees with all the points you made means you kind of hit the nail on the head with the facts but facts are not what the English are about. Try the Guardian, Independent, Observer, you might get a better sense of how we think. Brit Slang: Graphic Shows Some Basic Differences Between American and British English. the Observer, the Times and the Guardian. I love cold toast with the butter on top rather than sogged in lol. Today we are expected to give up what little independence we get on reaching maturity for idiocies like this. British Slang: 48 British Words For Driving That You May Not Know. Going to the pub or to a private club for a post-work drink is part of the winding down. We are a bit cynical, I suppose it can be irritating, but then so can the boundless enthusiasm and naive optimism of Americans be irritating and baffling to us Brits. The Xenophobia and Cynicism are a little overplayed. Every body made do with what you had or could get, but my friends and I agree we had great childhoods, not much of anything but we were told to get on with it. Monty Python, not so much, but my husband does. Yes, the British can be cynical, but they are incredibly better informed than Americans about pretty much every aspect that can come up in conversation. I guess we need to address these points in order. If you want an example of this, read the Daily Mail every day for a week. All I know about barley water comes from Mary Poppins. This cynical British cultural outlook discourages all of this. Jackie, you are RIGHT to call jonathan out on this. I completely understand what you are saying about the class issues. It is the minority that let the rest of us down. Yes, I agree on Marmite, but I love crumpets and a Scottish friend taught me how good milk is in tea. Most Americans it would appear, project expectations for humour. There is just too much about Britain you appear to dislike, not love. Some programing comes from New York, which does exist, but when you watch it you are left with the impression that the only people there are chat show hosts, cops, bag ladies and Italian-American hoodlums. My daughter still laughs because I am still complaining about the plumbing in the UK. The milk is poured into the cup to not be cold when the tea is ready. My husband moved to London for work in April, and the kids and I have been here for 2 weeks, living in a flat near Hyde Park. Your average American, in my experience, believes that the world is America. I know I would and most Brits would if we were passing. People only really slag off the way its run and how expensive it is. Up North, where I live, the people are much friendlier. I have to say a lot of what you hate about Britain describes America. I want to live there and become a citizen. As for your attitude about life: Excellent perspective. Why does Indian curry have to have peas in it. I have no problem with immigration personally, but there has to be a cap. Xenophobia is as rife in America (IMHO) as it is in England. I agree with the observation that it is hard to leave London, but we do have some trips to the countryside planned. But of all the nationalities I have met the least have been Americans. He would be perfectly within his rights to call himself an Anglophile and say he wanted to change 9 things about it, or 15 things or 50 things. Class clashes are so common across the world. I bought this one time in the British section of the grocery store. I will have to look for Barley water here as that sounds like a good health drink. To read the updated Privacy Policy, please click here. Slayer, Anthrax to slam Jacobs Pavilion in Cleveland. Toast only gets cold if wait an hour before eating it. But yes, London should be a place where tourists go first. Overall most people love london, just not the prices or the crowds. Ultimate List of Funny and Rude British Place Names. London taxis on the other hand are wonderful. I tried serving fruit salad for dinner once, and no one knew what to do until someone got out bowls, spoons, and cream. There is just one problem and we are only upset and angered by the immigration that comes from Europe. Since my hubby was an alcoholic, we stayed out of pubs except to eat at their upstairs restaurants. There was a food shortage and bread stretched a meal. NYC is an absolute dump of a city with rude people, a terrible sewer system, and the worst airports in the country. Us Brits have always been known for this, however. Check out the lovely cities of York and Durham. Life is a bit tough for the average Brit right now. The American hype of opportunity and supporting others is a great way to shy away from reality. My husband and I plan to return next year. And while the quality of breads available to us in the U. But we feel that way not just towards hispanics but to those who move in from the north. One experience we had with service when we were there. Thanks for allowing me on-board, I wish I had discovered this site years ago. Anyway, they have a huge British food section at very reasonable prices, as imports go. Why work harder than you need to, is basically the attitude. People in shops are invariably friendly and always walk me over to where the item is that I need. Not only that, it pervades all classes and sub-cultures. David was later quoted as being shocked by the hostility and aggression shown towards him, but this is a misunderstanding. York is a fantastic place and Edinburgh never disappoints. Do you choose to see reality of what is or the dream of what could be. Jackie-the reason I believe the US think the British have bad service is that as an Brit Expat living in the USA for over 20 yrs is the Americans tend to be a bit boorish and impatient. And just to say reading this article you say we are negative people. Maybe then it will be easier for Americans or other counties outside Europe to immigrate. England in the Europeans Championships last month despite the fact its the worst team for twenty years, (Its amazing what a draw against France can do). This puts a strain on government tax dollars. I am hated completely by said friends now (see below). And yes, we are technically full of immigrants. Barley water, Should be diluted not just slurped out of the bottle. I realized that even though it has more or less been broken down, the social status barrier is still in the psyche of all Britains. England is a small island and over the past 70 years has opened its doors to immigrants from many parts of the Commonwealth. It would be sad to see either of them go under, because we need an adversarial press. Yes, I realize that was a decade ago, but that was part of the result. I spent two years in England and have re-visited twice over these many years. I love Britain and I love its various cultures. This was in London, Leeds, Newcastle, and Carlisle. We regarded Americans as overbearing, optimistic and rather big-headed compared to the more subtle English way. More Long Reads Dispatches from England Anglotopia Alert: The Dispatches from England Book is Officially Published Today. Scraped toast to scratch off the blackened parts was my early introduction to toast. My word Jackie how did we manage all those years before the mighty, more intelligent and superior Americans came along. I do appreciate the links to sweepstakes and such, but I began to have doubts about your love of England when I took a look at some of your tips for travelers in London. This process serves well as a way of clearing the path for fresh, new growth. That might be the reason you think service is bad. I can accept these differences more easily now and not fret over them. Toast: Oh yes please. Of course you can also mix it with lemon, orange or lime for a refreshing drink. However, the upper class (not all) looks down on the working class too. Lemon Barley (diluted, no ice) is wonderful for the kidneys. The tall poppy syndrome is in-bred to all working and middle class Brits and is well echoed in the press. The AMERICANS and the BRITISH are great, and I love them. Part of it is the received stereotype of how people are supposed to have behaved in WW2 In fact, like lots of other Northern Europeans, Brits are an emotional, lachrymose, maudlin lot (and all of these traits are amplified by an order of magnitude or two when drinking or drunk). It is a small island and is already over crowded. Tea and toast, eggs and toast, hot chocolate and toast, peaches (or other fruit) and toast. ( I was a tiny tot, born after the USA entered the war, from the attack at Pearl Harbor. But when it comes to ice cream (except in Devonshire and Cornwall), blehh. Then they build a conservatory onto their houses so they have a greenhouse for people, which loses heat in the winter and is too hot and bright to sit in during the summer. We are all different and most Brits have moved on from the comedy of that era. Jane and Michael Banks wanted a nanny who would never smell of barley water, not give it to them to drink. They have even done some flag waving, which is nice. They are usually under-dressed and give Americans a bad name. Cold toast is bad in any country. Many here in the United States take much pride in being an American. It was thin sliced and the toasters where we stayed and had self serve continental breakfast toasted the bread perfectly and also the jam was so much better than most found in US restaurants. Agreed, a lot of Socialising in England revolves around the pub, but as you stated, its a way of socialising. This is all complete bollocks to be honest. Jonathan, you can go to pubs and hang out and not drink. You mention how hard it is to emigrate to the UK. Now I know not to waste any time with it. There is so much more to the country as you know. Visit Osborne House on the Isle of Wight. Britain has been continually changed by foreign influences from people coming to live there. I see them all on the web free and subscribe only to the TIMES. S. London, the same as any other large connerbation is to be avoided in my opinion. Pass a test and swear allegiance to the monarchy. the last thing to taken off rationing was soap. I loved reading all the comments and agree that Bill Bryson is great and was actually introduced to his books on the Isle of Wight. However, when the EU rulings came into effect it opened the floodgates and, according to EU regulations, must open its doors to anyone claiming refugee status. Btw I am a mystery shopper and the service is good and getting better in the UK, and in some respects far more genuine than some of the service I receive when I visit the US. King Henry the VIII got a lot of bad press while he was alive because of his later behavior with his wives. I love the British more than anything in the world, but I do recognize the difference and I have thought about it for a long time as to what and why the differences are there. We are from Seattle and I hear we have pretty similar weather, cloudy and rainy so we are prepared already. We took it back to our rooms and toasted it on the electric fire (heater), usually later that night after supper. ). Walkable, safe, beautiful, so many interesting entertaining things to see and do. I think the service in the States is shockingly bad. We all like Brazil though, in fact we only really hate being beaten by the Germans and the Americans. As a Brit whose lived in the USA for 11 years I have to totally agree with your comments. Waaay too much drinking, but now there is J2O and lots of other non-alcoholic drinks in pubs, it is easier to be social and not drink here. While not everyone drinks to excess in Britain, they do drink quite a bit. HILIGHTS: Seeing HM, The Queen Mother, who was arriving at Albert Hall to make a presentation. The British as a whole welcome people from abroad but not in the numbers we are seeing. I can just visualise it amongst my wonderful countrymen and women. Because it is important in our culture to deny class, it is hard for us to hear others speak of it so openly. I know there is now a move to close down on immigration and I totally disagree with it, we will be losing a great deal by shutting out people from other cultures. Of all the countries I have visited the Brits and the Americans are the most disliked nations. I find myself scraping out the last globs of jam or peanut butter from the jar. We do have our outbursts of Optimism sometimes, A mini heatwave in the middle of February, Andy Murray in the Tennis. ). I am from the South of the US and feel very out of place and not particularly at home in New York. My nine year old daughter loves toast, she would eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner if she could. We plan on spending just a few days in London and the rest of our holiday visiting the northern areas. The 5 best Washington State Cougars bowl games ever. As a Brit in the USA, I can see both sides. I hate the thin white sliced bread and never buy it and could only eat it toasted. I love toast as a treat and enjoy it pretty much daily with tea. And while I tend to think I have a pretty good understanding of the country and their cultures, there are still a few things that completely baffle me to no end. But I love Britain and the US, wish I could afford to live in both places. One thing I like about the Guardian is that its editors are willing to allow dissenting views to appear in their opinion columns, which is laudable. You can see exactly the same thing with, say, the Italian spoken by immigrants in New York. I think the Americans wrote the books on those. am will show up to every event decked head to toe in Union Jacks. I understood the British mind a little better after having spent almost 3 weeks there in the middle of the winter though. Broaden the mind a bit and read the Independent, the Telegraph. Admittedly the service was bad, but the girl serving us seemed to think we would be angry with her. If my history serves me correctly, rationing ended in the US in 1946 while the UK only phased it out in the 1950s, with meat rationing the last to go on 4 July 1954. If you want everything to be like the USA, then just stay here. You simply have not been shown how to eat them. His response, in part, was to stay in London as much as possible. Brits are sick of having an open door policy to foreigners. It was also hard to get used to no breakfast available until at least 7:30 and most places did not open until 10 and closed at 5. It precludes the desire to elevate oneself, because there is a ceiling as to what one can elevate oneself to. In the UK, if someone makes it to France from some third world country, they keep moving hoping to get to the UK, because then they get lots of state benefits, which everyone else will have to fund. This goes hand in hand with sitting in a pub and establishing an opinion on everything. See any previous statement on history and loss of power. Start in London, then take the train to Scotland. Now get the exchange rate to be better so I can come invade your city again. Though there are over 10,000 mediaeval churches in England. If I stated that everyone who reads the Guardian is a member of the Communist Party, would you think that an exaggeration. We do have it at anytime of the days, lots of schoolchildren have it when they get home. Sometimes people need that reminder and what better way then to display the American flag. And the only one in this country on her side. As for customer service-I do like how most staff let you alone unless you ask. However there are one or two misnomers too. has greatly improved over the past 40 or so years, breads like Hovis have been available to the British consumer since 1890. I think you may not be fully aware of certain key but important differences between the cultures and related things. The British have always had an appreciation of cider and beer (bitters, larger, ale, stout) and travels to France, Italy and Spain have greatly increased the appreciation of good wines amongst most Brits. If you ever manage to move here, the new citizenship test will require you to hate everything and everybody around you, while demonstrating that you live in a permanent state of simmering post-empirical resentment. What will not have occurred to you is that the USA never had to undergo rationing like the UK did during and, for a while, after WWII. We embrace culture from all walks of life. First it is not a single culture, and I am talking about the four countries that make up the UK. As an American, I became startled for a moment when I read that comment from Lee B. I have been in nearly every city in the UK that has a receiving theatre. I challenge visitors to the UK to spend time in Cornwall and Devon. The real test is not the server but how you treat who serves you. I have met many wonderful people, even in London, and have made some wonderful friends as well. The British Isles has been over run by people from other countries. We have about 600 subscribers and pre-orders to get through. Maybe, I prefer to think of it as subtle thinking, not taking anything at face value, and applying critical thinking. We know that Britain does not equal London. Good grief, beans have to be on toast or the sky will fall. I believe you are wise to visit London, since it has sooooo much to see, but to get a flavor of what it is to be British, you need to see the sights and meet the people of the rest of Britain. The bread I do eat, which is delicious as bread is transformed into something quite heavenly as toast, especially with proper butter, melting and oozing over the fingers. OK, I concur about the Barley Water thing, but the drinking thing is a very social part of life there. My husband, a right-winger, anti-brit, loves and laughs heartilly at Monty Python. Drinking, go the pub and socialise you can do it with an orange juice in your hand. I never could understand how to get the bath taps to come on without assistance and I never did understand the push ever 2 minutes for the shower water at some of the places we stayed. The United States was named and is known as the Most Patriotic Country in the World and the American flag serves as a reminder of all that we as a nation have gone through and what we have endured. You need to spend time in other parts of the country to real begin to understand our complexities. At Chrismtas time, half of Tesco is filled either with booze or sweets. To diffuse the risk of embarrassment from situations where things are being taken too seriously. I love British comedy but I can never sit through an episode (or movie) of Monty Python. Public drunkenness was condemned in the strongest terms from the pulpit and from the floor of The House. However, as a tourist, London is like a great big playground. The first which comes to mind is that bread in the UK is so much better than the stuff normally available in the USA. The thing with languages is that when they become detached from their origin, they become fossils. Now Ribena, on the other hand, laden with sugar as it is, is a treat. I am with you on the cynical attitude, monty python and the drinking. All is so true, as I get older I really notice it. Something about crispy toasted bread smeared with butter is just so yummy. I agree with parts of this article, despite being British and somewhat patriotic. Many restaurants do not pay full minimum wage (legally) because the servers can make much more with tips. Once you can consume the right amount of liquids you can then demonstrate your skills at the British pastime of Banter. My first outing(party) in the US I was rudely asked what I was doing there why I did not stay in my own country, my reply was at least I had a country to go back to. Taste of Britain in Norcross has everything you miss. I found a beautiful village I had never known existed. It is this dislike, I believe, of the brits that causes the xenophobia you hear and read in our society. Well said. The Brits are still used to queing (or standing in line). I work at a cinema and we provide excellent customer service. The toast rack is because if you stack hot toast in a pile, the bottom slices become wet and soggy. We would rather that than hiding behind a McDonalds smile. The difference is that we in the US are a modified English culture because of immigration and the reception of various traditions which cone from other cultures. This opinion need not be factual or consistant just adament and beer fueled. There is no doubt that London is one of the great cities of the world, heck it was my home for many years. I am a born and bred Brit and known for my optimistic outlook on life. After 25 years I have to admit it has its advantages. I just want to contribute an honest point of view and hopefully generate discussion. To me this incident epitomizes the difference between Americans and English. Sometimes the British can just be so unbelievably negative that it boggles my mind. The Telegraph, Times, and FT are the only moderately tolerable papers to any American outside the coasts. Is it wrong of me to be jealous of her millions. Regarding the view on foreigners: Britain is already very overcrowded and the mass immigration seen over the past decade has had a massive effect on communities which without doubt is starting to fuel some anger. I took your writing seriously and therefore quite insulting, hence my reply. For the best experience on AXS. Sign up with AXS. Please, the Guardian and the Observer are not reflective of any majority opinion in the UK. Have fish and chips at the Magpie in Whitby. In actual fact the British public are soon to get a referendum on leaving the EU. I grew up in two different parts of the British Empire so many of the foibles of the British were ingrained in my brain. Hot buttered toast at teatime, or toast with baked beans, a cheap and nourishing tea when coming home from school. Trans-Siberian Orchestra 2016 US tour coming to Infinite Energy Arena. Why is fruit salad a desert instead of a side. I wish I was young enough to learn to drive on the left side of the road, But the trains, buses and tube work great. London Haters: My impression is that Londoners have always considered themselves a people apart. Service is the worst in chain restaurants geared towards tourists. As for cynism and xenophobia- I agree in all points. I LOVE toast at any time of the day, cheap, easy and you can out anything onit, espically beans. Who knows, but this is definitely a difference between the US and Britain. Always knew Scotland would come in handy for something. If they were, their beloved Liberal Democrats would have won the 2010 election by a landslide. To preface, I am an American who lived and worked in London for 13 years and loved every minute. Share this: Email Facebook Reddit Twitter Pinterest Pocket. I have been very lucky during my visits to usually have decent weather, but I have read tales of long stretches of dismal weather. And lets face it there is plenty to be cynical about, here and in the US. Combine that with a recession and guess what you get. Anglotees is our sister business that offers up 2 British Themed T-shirt to buy a week and available only for 1 week. Here,in the USA people waiting tables get a lot less than even a minimum wage, relying on tips to make their wages up. If you learn from that and ask for lots and lots of ice you get four cubes6. Yes there are some that maybe racist but every corner of every country will have some small minded bastards. BUT, these things have been merely overlaid on an essentially English core. I believe that rationing had a significant effect on the Brits that lasted almost a generation longer that we in the US felt. Language: Top 100 Cockney Rhyming Slang Words and Phrases. They have little taste of their own but the nicely stretch out butter eggs and cheese. Well, as I said, we are very different nations. It was a deliberate and cynical policy by Labour to unsettle and intimidate the large middle-class (and to an extent working-class) Tory voters, in and around London. Northern Europeans, but especially young Brits, seem to drink with a grim, determined desperation until they finally end up flat on the pavement. We are coming for a holiday in September and have never been to the UK. Nor is the US, nor anywhere else in the world. Poor Emily Watson being interviwed in the US, was always being asked to say something in an American accent, while comments from youtubers were so admiring of her accent. Thank you so much for your input on being a northerner. We notice that your web browser is out-of-date. Mariah Carey weight loss: How the singer is getting ready for her wedding. Jonathon, You claim to love Britain and want to live there BUT you want it to be like America and Brits to be like Americans. I wonder if the weather has anything to do with the cynicism that you list. I believe it is just as frustrating to emigrate to any other westerrnised country, it is not just Britain that chooses to be awkward.

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