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Vegan diet for skin -

20-12-2016 à 13:15:24
Vegan diet for skin
Drink raw milk aka risk of listeria, especially of mixed with pasture milk. First of all, I said nothing whatsoever about your experience in Okinawa, nor about the Okinawan diet itself. Every plant you eat (even the highest carb fruits) contain protein. The advantage is that you also get fiber and flavenoids and antioxidants not found in flesh. But, I also want to be clear, some vegans are doing it for health reasons, such as reversing heart disease diabetes etc. Those are the only credentials I have to offer. However, I am frequently at junctures where I have to make less than perfect choices in order to ensure survival. And, while a randomized double-blind study is cool and all, when I did an RBC micronutrient analysis on my own blood, both folate and choline was low. Learn More B12 Deficiency What do memory loss, depression, anxiety, fatigue, nerve pain, and infertility have in common. 3 pounds. They no longer eat grass. And include more eco-friendly plant foods: Less almond milk, more organic oat and soy milks Less nuts, but more seeds: flax, hemp, chia Eating variety of organic beans for protein, b-vitamins, antioxidants, resistant starch etc. However, the kids appear healthy on a somewhat meat reduced diet. I am one month away from 82, I take no drugs, I can easily run 3-5 miles a day and I am as fit as I have ever been. When the request was turned down, Donald Watson, secretary of the Leicester Vegetarian Society, set up a new quarterly newsletter, Vegan News, in November 1944, priced tuppence. See, if you can view the vegan numbers you can also see the other numbers. Cheers Reply Ann says July 9, 2015 at 3:52 am i was vegetarian for 14 years. When they say that non-vegans are not so ethically advanced as they. Reply Christie Delaney says June 10, 2016 at 3:45 am Totally agree. For me, our sweet potatoes and organic soybeans, tomatoes, greens, berries etc. Cholesterol is a must in a diet and is needed to repair such damage, but when eaten in conjunction with damaging grains, the cholesterol keeps piling on to fix the damage causing clogging of the arteries. My mother (65) son (22) and fiance (46) are also all plant based. Nevertheless, I will address only two of them. Other vegan foods have also grown in sales. Also, consider fermented legumes such as miso and tempeh. I would suggest a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist practitioner who can run some lab tests and work with you to determine what diet is best for your body, rather that trying to sort through dogma. Reply Nina says October 31, 2016 at 8:58 pm I would also like to comment that while these things may be true of Stereotypical vegetarians and vegans, that would be including all vegans and vegetarians who do not necessarily calculate WHAT they eat, merely just not meat and dairy Secondly, there are only 14 articles used to support this theory. org. For vitamin A, most plant-based eaters, for health, easily get daily multiple servings of leafy greens and orange root vegetables. Nor do you have a right to come to my house and eat plants from my garden, food in my fridge, or anything else that is mine. These carbohydrates, despite the meat-bashing, also make up the bulk of the American diet. The immune system then attacks that substance, leading to tissue inflammation and a higher lifetime risk of cancer. Simply not true, Almost ALL nutrients start with plants. Serotonin is what we call will power or impulse control. You should read all of the information and not just what you want to read. By the way, evolution does not work the way you seem to think. Evolution only cares that a species stay alive long enough to procreate, not that it live a long life. Reply Alice says July 16, 2016 at 1:33 pm Thanks for the reply Christian. Nowadays, plant-based eating is recognized as not only nutritionally sufficient but also as a way to reduce the risk for many chronic illnesses. Choosing smaller ruminants for animal sourced foods such as goat cheese, and meat patties, other than beef such as deer or elk. It is not naturally occurring in an animal. Like Michael Pollan said, Eat real food, not too much, mostly plants Reply deanna says October 29, 2016 at 8:02 am For all grass fed cows, in areas that have ground freeze (mostly Nov. Reply Omega 3 Movement says December 3, 2015 at 11:32 am These 2 Social Enterprises are partnering up to fight Iron Deficiency. Again, other water (grey, green) still has environmental impacts, particularly in the dry West states, where much of the ranching happens, it has to be pumped and irrigated to the cows. Many Americans, particularly if you are not caucasian, are lactose intolerant. Ornish, doing both simultaneously with whole plant foods and no oils, (not just throwing animal products under the bus), and reduced amounts of sodium and modest sugar intake. Reply deanna says October 24, 2016 at 8:03 am Best resource: Brenda Davis and Gina Messina, Becoming Vegan is a comprehensive book on all essential nutrients and how you get them on a vegan or plant-based diet. B12 actually comes from the soil and many years ago consumers of vegetables were getting their B12 from the soil remaining on the vegetables. LDL cholesterol are the bricks of heart disease. After doing lots of research and thinking, I decided to go back to eating meat. The best source of B12 is organ meat such as beef liver. How about all these other amazing info out there. Reply Eric says July 11, 2015 at 7:11 pm Thanks Chris. Some people seem to do so well because they cut out a lot of toxins and poor quality food. This explains why some people seem to do well for years on these diets, while others develop problems very quickly. There is so much crap on the internet and if you dont know that you do not obtain any calcium from dairy you really should not be giving health advice. The people in all the Blue Zones are an active, appreciated part of their communities into their 90s and beyond. Reply Sarah says June 29, 2015 at 3:21 am Plants have protein. Pretty much all nutrients in your body work that way. The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Vegetarian diets (see context) can provide all the nutrients you need at any age, as well as some additional health benefits. Outside of Western countries, they do not have the osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimers and obesity rates we do. I honestly think diet has less and less to do with health, in comparison to mental health. Blessings and happy eating Reply Go says September 26, 2016 at 3:31 pm Well that was impressive. For all Australians, these foods increase dietary variety and can provide a valuable, affordable source of protein and other nutrients found in meats. Most of us outgrow that silly schoolyard tactic at about 7 or 8 years old. Reply John says August 8, 2015 at 4:12 pm These links can help you a bit. There is no Vegan diet since veganism is a movement. Reply deanna says October 24, 2016 at 5:21 am Looking at nutrition data for foods highest in total omega 6 fatty acid in dairy and eggs: an egg has about 2,300 mg butter has 2,700mg and cheese about 1,300mg. I am happy to report that I am in remission. Seriously, what you say about evolutionary eating makes sense from a scientific point of view. They had an almost vegan diet, and that is the diet that the 100 year olds in Okinawa were raised eating. At the time, I was living in CA, where there was a lot of support, live and printed. I know, for me, two of the best things I ever did, was reading the China Study, and Dr. There high intake of fish makes the old people E so active even in there old age. If people choose organic beans and grains, these plant parts, as well as, city grass and tree clippings can be recycled to enrich soils. Reply Jay says October 25, 2015 at 7:01 pm One source is the China study. But I follow the science and eat for health. The runoff occurs when there is no ground cover. We have one of the most beautiful lakes, and it is being destroyed by cow poop run-off. To continue the choline example, your need for it depends on how much your body makes on its own, how efficient you are at methylation, and a few other things. Better to look at some more recent and more objective analyses. Such behavior in wild predators has been documented when their victim happens to be a lactating female. Reply Kristi-Anna says February 11, 2015 at 3:32 am In my opinion, the average meat eater would eat far more GMO soy etc than your average vegan. Calling Esselstyn and Ornish cult leaders is actually offensive considering the fact they are esteemed published scientists with a long and well defined history of saving peoples lives through dietary and other interventions. Or not. Plant-based eaters get the same benefits of vitamin D from sunshine and fortified plants milks as omnivores do from sunshine and fortified dairy. Being Australian these numbers are in metric: Cattle drink about 50 litres of water per day. Reply Jesus Fries says April 6, 2015 at 12:47 am Source or evidence. Lot less nuts, but add some seeds: flax, hemp, chia. I chose to try a vegetarian diet to improve my health and accommodate my lifestyle. Sign up for FREE updates delivered to your inbox. Reply Alice says August 2, 2016 at 5:22 pm Thanks for the encouragement Betsey. You are making sweeping generalizations with no corroborating evidence, just to justify your dishonest stance. Reply deanna says October 21, 2016 at 5:25 pm Both omega 6 oils in processed foods and animal products: eggs, dairy, poultry, pork, and beef contribute significantly. Omnivores that follow a healthful diet of natural, unprocessed foods likely consume a lot more natural, unprocessed plant foods than most vegans. But reindeer has supplied a good calorie source in Scandanvia, and deer in woodlands of North America, but again, never eaten on a daily basis. Make sure the animals and their products were raised on their natural diet and were not confined. I suppose you think your silly ad hominem attacks and rejection of logic and science make you the most exciting thing to ever come down the pike. says February 3, 2015 at 12:24 pm Interesting. Reply Chris H says September 6, 2015 at 9:52 am Vegan body builder. , vegan centenarian, as one example. It contributes to the structural development of bone and is required for the synthesis of DNA, RNA, and the antioxidant glutathione. If one consumes a wide range of plant foods, one is assured of getting plenty of choline. Vegans get all the nutrients they need if they know where to look. Also, because plant-based eaters are eating many vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables at their meals, and avoiding tea at mealtime, their absorption of iron is fabulous. I am really beginning to believe that your dietary deficiencies affect your reading comprehension. My cholesterol went high 225 total although my ratio was good, I gained 20 pounds and for two years my body never recovered from my workouts. They find justification for their behavior as well. I really do want to be open minded about this. These animals are raised without growth hormones, antibiotics, and pesticide and herbicide treated grains, which is what 95% of the animal products available to Americans in grocery stores and restaurants. Its nice to hear that your diet seems to be working for you, But without having blood works taken. I wish folks that practice carnism would also write articles on the negative health benefits of animal by-products and how a carnivorous diet also leaves a lot to be explored. While they may not have as big of an environment to roam around they have a meal everyday they have vets that look after them they are treated with love and respected as one of the family. Sometimes I am able to overcome this in a leap of faith for myself, but with my children my anxiety is about 10 fold more. Except for the Sardinian diet, the majority of food consumed is derived from plants: Reply danaleck says February 4, 2015 at 12:58 am My previous post was directed to Kevin Reply Alicia says November 24, 2014 at 7:39 pm Can you please at some point comment on this new alleged vegan D3. And one correction: bok choy, collard greens, and kale have much higher absorption and bioavailability of calcium than dairy products. This is the key fact that people who eat meat simply cannot wrap their heads around. They live so long, look into there diet, research. I do believe there are kinder ways to go about obtaining what we need. Anyway, I did find something that was rather encouraging to me. I continued to be hungry and constantly thought about food. Not the slabs of steaks most people talk about. All my bloodwork shows the body of a much younger man. Reply Judy says February 9, 2015 at 8:18 am Your claim about reproductive difficulties while vegan is unsubstantiated. Weight Energy Digestion Brain Overall Health All of the Above I hate spam too. Why have you not sent your pets to me yet AnnieLaurie Burke says October 30, 2016 at 12:24 am What a psychopath. The reason why I call people wackos is because they refuse to accept that something other than what they believe is true or just as good or even otherwise appropriate. I have seen much higher numbers for beef and much lower numbers for plant foods she listed. I will agree to disagree with you on environmental impact of animal sourced grass-fed proteins vs. Both have been vegan for decades and are stellar examples of good health and lives well lived. It was a better paying job than most college students cold get. Comparing beef farming to mono cropping used to feed grain fed animals, does not make grass-fed beef a better environmental choice than organic and conventional farming of beans, vegetables, grains and fruits staples of with rotation and mixed crop farming for plants for human consumption. Reply susan says January 13, 2015 at 1:24 am I have found that most extreme vegans tend to not have much practical experience with animals other than as pets. Reply Robert Q. of forage crop daily. The current state of nutritional science is fake arguments made from unsound research. The body forms all the vitamin A it needs from the beta carotene in vegetables. I really suspect that the defensiveness and rudeness of many vegans has a biochemical basis, likely caused by deficiencies in their diets. Reply kayla says February 11, 2016 at 9:10 am and this is why most meat eaters take multivitamins, their diets typically lack in greens. Reply Henry says December 11, 2015 at 12:46 am Lying again. If you choose to not eat meat, fine, but falsely accusing a whole group of good people is not fine. Fat soluble vitamins is not a problem because there is plenty of fat in vetatables that is where vegatable oil comes from. Reply Go says October 29, 2016 at 11:24 pm Diet should not be immune to critique just as religion should not be. I have been vegan for 20 years, vego before that and have never broken a bone or been to the doctors or had any health issues whatsoever. The more plants a person eats, the healthier that person is. The results were in comparison not with meat eaters but normal omnivores diet. In fact, Chris sent out an article today describing a study that showed strong social networks can offset life-shortening habits like smoking and lack of physical activity. And, again, I have appreciated your patience in our debate. This is such an incredible amount, the govt. I doubt that there is an active effort by any of his folks to stifle the give and take. In the scientific community it is well accepted, and, thus the vegetarian recommendation you pointed out. However, we did a full blown blood test and, surprisingly, he tested normal for hemoglobin, despite having low iron. Lastly, I honestly, do not believe I am ignoring the natural world as you said. Yes, we do know that early man, including modern early humans, were omnivores. Their findings will be published in a forthcoming issue of Evolution and Human Behavior. But I am best described as veganish with only fish. Also the heme-iron found in meat is not good. For a lot of body builders, eating 1g protein per pound of lean body weight is pretty common, where more sedentary lifestyles require closer to the number you posted. Also, man started making cheese not because he knew that milk is bad but as a way of preserving food. Despite these restrictions, with good planning it is still possible to obtain all the nutrients required for good health on a vegan diet. Since that time, I have learned more about animal agriculture and its inhumane practices both toward animals and human workers as well as its negative effects on the environment, all of which further confirm my decision. I am very disappointed in that item but the other ingredients make up for it. Reply pamela goodchild says June 10, 2015 at 8:20 am awesome,,,thats amazing,,i am 53,,stopped eating meat six weeks ago,and became vegan a week ago,,i feel amazing already,,but i just know the advantages to not eating meat,,,hope to live along healthy life,,med free,,, Reply Aj says July 10, 2015 at 6:07 am Why are you not dead. Reply Nancy says October 31, 2015 at 8:43 am Mercola is basically a meat-pusher who misleads people with his completely unfounded rationalizations about nutrients only found in meat. Try reading a few peer-reviewed, independent studies on human nutrition and it might become clearer to you, or not. Though I think, grass fed is better nutritionally and in many environmental ways, these animals take much longer to fatten up. 8 kg of CO2 per Kg live weight. Surely you do not expect that being rude and overbearing will bully other members into silence, no matter what insults or erroneous information you post. Please copy and paste in your reply the alleged comment where I claimed that growing said vegetable foods takes more resources than producing beef. Reply Matt says May 20, 2015 at 5:21 pm That is ridiculous. (Algae is where fish get their omega-3s. Leaving ethics and veganism aside you say you were eating processed crap and you cut that out. Just like the animals that some humans eat, we are composed of meat in all its forms. Some interesting solutions to feed the world, including those who want to include 10% or more of their diet from animal sourced foods, include overcoming obstacles to sustainable and healthy aquponics- raising fish and plants symbiotically, with little soil. SpectraCell holds some kind of patent on their micronutrient testing, and my experience is that it takes at least 3 weeks to get the results back. Why are you so angry about what the environmental scientists at Cornell and the UN would call a fabulous choice. But I saw an even more mindblowing video about this commune that eats only fruits. We can argue these points until the cows come home, or the soybeans are harvested, but there are uncertainties and bias in all analyses of human diets. Magnesium also plays a role in the active transport of calcium and potassium ions across cell membranes, a process that is important to nerve impulse conduction, muscle contraction, and normal heart rhythm. Being apart of a community and being social. The difference between vegans and non-vegans is more simply an ability to see beyond their own needs and desires. These fatty acids play a protective and therapeutic role in a wide range of diseases: cancer, asthma, depression, cardiovascular disease, ADHD, and autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Davis. You could just as easily argue that the animal that gives its life to you as food is the most prized and respected of all animals. Fourthly, talk of worldwide this or that is not only false in the way u are asserting it, it is not relevant to Primar y considerations. Reply Richard says November 25, 2015 at 7:33 am Do you think it is easier to catch animals or fish, clean them and cook over a wood fire. The way for any animal or human to get protein is one of two ways: eat plants or eat an animal that ate plants. Maybe you really do need a little extra preformed DHA in your diet. Nor do you address the huge GHG impact of producing the chemical fertilizers — more than a ton of CO2 per ton of fertilizer, which is usually produced from natural gas, with its attendant CH4 emissions. And, researchers have noted many omnivores have too high omega-6 to omega3 ratios not conducive to optimal health. and others for environmental reasons or a combination of all three. D. Reply AnnieLaurie Burke says October 19, 2016 at 12:00 am I was not responding to you. As a naturopath, I see many people that are deficient in vitamin A. I look and feel better than I did 12 years ago. 5 years to fully becoming vegan from a low dairy, low egg plant based diet. Rice occasionally should be fine though Reply Judy says September 29, 2015 at 2:38 pm Nonsense. And FYI vegetarian are healthiest people on the planet, as long as they do it right, they live long healthy lives. Was there anything else I said that you would say is incorrect. Reply Nicole says January 11, 2016 at 3:07 pm Reply Kathy says May 9, 2015 at 10:09 am Presumably the author will follow this article with one about the dangers of eating meat. The more unhealthy a person is the better they will get when they remove toxins from their diet. Reply Eric says April 7, 2015 at 3:39 pm So you would throw hundreds of thousands of years of anthropological history out the window because, when you boil it down, eating meat hurts your feelings. Animals being consumed for food and animal based products are detrimental to the colon of a chrons patient. In addition most of the articles he sites are not double blind placebo controlled randomized control studies, therefore do not have the highest level of evidence. You will likely feel humiliated and shameful though you have done nothing wrong. The discussion needs to start with this reality. OTOH, veganism is a relatively recent dietary regime in terms of human evolution. So her comment about food storage, or chemicals for direct crop growth for human consumption, holds no water. You will find, however, that in most States, those artificial legal distinctions will fall on your head if you do so. Reply Elizabeth says June 13, 2016 at 2:45 am I just committed 4 hours of my life to put myself back in the mindset of a dairy eater. Manure and CO2 sequester: Plants crops: beans, grains, fruit trees and vegetables also sequester CO2, but do not release the large amounts of the more damaging methane and nitrous oxide to our ozone layer, so this CO2 sequester is nothing special about cow poop and is a drop in the bucket, compared to methane produced, in terms of impact to ozone layer. Reply deanna says October 14, 2016 at 11:57 am I truly appreciate the response. Reply EM says April 20, 2016 at 4:18 am Only eat meat in the winter. I feel I have been able to debate my views with accurate information in a respectful tone. D. Second, rather than point out all the difficulties with a vegan diet, this article could have instead informed people who choose a vegan lifestyle about what to watch out for in getting proper nutrition. ) that are going to be present whether the livestock are there or not. We never really ate much pork, if any, but have also weaned off of chicken. of beef. The only nutrient necessary for vegans to supplement is B12, though many choose to take more, just as many meat eaters do. Your condescending attitude, not only to me, but also to Lisa Z, is astounding and counterproductive to your aim, which I gather is to convince others of your own questionable opinions. You implicitly agree, when you post, that anyone that is a member can reply. Michael Klaper who has been vegan for 25 years and who provides info to the Vegetarian Health Institute lectures. Flax is a huge staple- local and great environmental choice. Reply Pat says May 16, 2016 at 4:46 pm Vegans generalize to much. Lets put aside whether or not it is more healthful (despite the fact that based on my own study and experience it most certainly healthier to eat a plant based diet). Buddhism spread less widely in Okinawa, and the islands were less influenced by the non-meat eating practices of the Tokugawa shogunate. Though some American are able to hunt deer, catch their own fish, and buy grass fed organic products exclusively (though these animals still typically receive some grains, not required to be 100% grass fed to be labeled this way), this is a very small minority. Reply Nicola says June 8, 2016 at 1:13 am Surely it would have been more helpful to suggest which foods to eat to combat deficiencies in these vitamins. BTW, industrial production of a large number of vegetable crops involves the use of pesticides that are killing bees in large numbers. You are a speciest, too, but you want to pretend otherwise. And typical rhetoric about the 1 percent that have a genetic issue and even those can be managed. Before I recently began to use logic and eat animal foods, I was on a strict vegan diet and boy was that a mistake. She is now a 79-year-old motivational speaker, eight-time senior Olympic gold medalist, and six-time Ironman triathlon finisher. Americans, Australians, Canadians, Brazilians Europeans are making the most GHG impacts from meat eating, because we are more eating in many cases double and triple amount of reasonable share of the pie. Thanks Reply Pree says March 4, 2015 at 9:41 pm You do know that those chickens would never have experienced life at all, if they had not been grown for meat. I suspect the blindness to facts and the lack of self awareness of some vegans are related to some of the dietary deficiencies they are experiencing. On most blogs, my picture appears, and anyone can check me out on Facebook. Reply Nancy says October 31, 2015 at 8:36 am thanks Reply AnnieLaurie Burke says March 30, 2016 at 7:35 pm Comparing the lifespans of different types of animals and concluding their longevity is based on diet is pure BS and demonstrates a woeful lack of knowledge of zoology (both its basic principles and the diversity of creatures it studies). It has nothing to do with you doing it wrong. and it is the sole food of Monarch Butterflies. A vegan diet means you have a slightly slower recovery time (I have heard — I have not physically read the scientific papers myself), which is obviously far from ideal, but, apparently manageable for at least some individuals given there exist athletes that manage to compete and stay vegan. Okinawans eat about 100 grams of meat per day-compared to 70 in Japan and just over 20 in China-and at least an equal amount of fish, for a total of about 200 grams per day, compared to 280 grams per person per day of meat and fish in America. Cows eat around 25 POUNDS of food every day, usually grains, corns, soy, or a mixture of the three. Reply annielaurie says November 28, 2015 at 2:32 am Palm oil and sugar are in so many products and under so many different names that most people are not even aware of them. Note to those who might feel compelled to respond to this: Please, none of the nonsense about not doing it right etc. Reply Henry says December 10, 2015 at 11:57 pm It might not prove anything to you as you were not part of the experiment, but 60 years proved something to me. ridiculous. And, most on a whole food plant-based diet are eating 3 servings each of these, daily, 6 servings of vegetables and about 2-3 fruits, mostly seasonal: apples, pears, berries, grapes, citrus, but bananas shipped all times of year are also a part of it. Excerpt: Did you know that beef eaters use 160 percent more land resources than people who eat a plant-based diet. Whether the nutritional science is for or against it, we as fellow species on this planet with finite resources will need to change our eating habits in the years to come to avoid the environmental costs that future generations will have to bare. Reply AnnieLaurie Burke says October 24, 2016 at 12:55 am You make these assertions with absolutely no substantiation whatever. I choose sardines, eggs, salmon and chicken stew for proteins. Reply Go says September 28, 2016 at 11:14 am Because it contradicts clear facts. I am sure a lot of people who are very unhealthy can change their tragectory with a vegan or vegetarian diet. But if we want chicks, well, in your view the rapist rooster has to be involved, as cows only conceive when in heat. Animals are being abused and robbed of their right to live just like us, and people are dying from high cholesterol, heart deceases, and other crap that you acquire by consuming large quantities of animal products. That the factory farming system is obsolete, unsustainable and will eventually do itself in. You offer no indication of your credentials to make the assessment, nor any quantitative evidence to support its accuracy. TCM also promotes some animal products which are endangered species, which most western practitioners do not use for ethical reasons. Whether using grey, blue or green, water it requires a lot of energy because it needs to pumped mostly from the thaw of the Sierra Nevada, to where it is needed, requiring a lot of energy (CO2 emissions) to use. It just takes a lot of balancing of diet and a lot of eating foods that absorb those nutrients. I am Sardinian, born and raised and I cannot relate with any of the statements you made. I did read your citations, and, of course you can always improve things a little, but the evidence truly supports eating more beans rather than beef for green house gases, land, water use and health of waterways. My insurance is Kaiser, and they posted my results online via their (password protected) website. That is the result of the largest study ever done on meat and is unbias, with scientists from over 20 countries. So much for your highly vaulted and totally suspect view of science. If you are not opposed to eating animals have a few sardines or salmon on top of a yummy salad, but do not feel you have to eat any mammal meats to get the protein you need. If you go to Care2 and other Internet groups that have an unusually large percentage of vegan subscribers, and that run frequent articles promoting the vegan lifestyle, you might be surprised. For humans, legumes, fruits, tubers, and grains are also very low calorie foods. Reply AnnieLaurie Burke says July 3, 2016 at 2:18 pm This is simply not accurate. Iron deficiency (though sometimes genetic influences may play a role) is typically caused by heavy periods or aberrant bleeding This iron deficiency during pre menopause is not more common in vegetarians. Reply Simon James says June 11, 2016 at 4:36 am Did you know that the GHG emissions of grass fed cows are 19. Pescatarian is the healthiest diet with 47% reduction in cancer risk. Big cats still have small 350cc cranials yet they consume plenty of meat. I had testable deficiencies in iron, Vitamin D, and B12 on an omnivore diet. 0-30. Reply Lisa says April 4, 2015 at 2:00 pm 99. My wife of 75 also is very healthy and takes no drugs. Contrary to most instagrammers, most vegans do not eat large plates (or bowls of coconut) of fruit at one sitting. However it seems to me that a boat load of these people are using false credentials and sound like pretentious yahoos. Harvard Medical School Traditionally, research into vegetarianism focused mainly on potential nutritional deficiencies, but in recent years, the pendulum has swung the other way, and studies are confirming the health benefits of meat-free eating. When he did a colonoscopy, that he saw vitamins that were still as intact as if the patient had just taken it. Meanwhile, producing a pound of grassfed beef accounts for every bit as much nitrous oxide emissions as producing a pound of feedlot beef, and sometimes, due to the slower weight gain, even more. All evidence from evolutionary biology, genetics, and anthropology support the omnivorous nature of humans, as does our physiology. Reply AnnieLaurie Burke says August 5, 2016 at 7:29 pm Kris, if you are eating low carb AND low fat, AND no meat (so I assume relatively low protein as well), just what do you eat. Dean Ornish are still alive, and thriving, 20-25 years after their cardiologist gave them a few months to live due to late stage cardiovascular disease. Add in nuts and seeds for healthy fats and extra protein. I went to see a dietitian and took a whole lot of blood tests. And 1 year later, where 78 pounds less, and healthier then ever. A balance diet does not require a load of grains. Only that we are smart enough to exploit another resource in the contest for survival. And recently Okinawa has had an increase in obesity, so that isnt exactly what I would call healthy. 250 pounds of beef Reply AnnieLaurie Burke says October 28, 2016 at 2:08 am This is getting a bit tiresome. But most people with bad dietary habits could make reasonable changes that would be much easier than trying to throw themselves into a strict regiment like veganism. Getting ready to go back to school and get my PhD in sustainability science. There is no defense for eating dead animals. Please find something to put all of this rage and anger into that is worth your time. I do like it when people can provide evidence for their viewpoint in a debate. Reply Anthoney Mahateva says December 13, 2015 at 12:07 pm Reply Nicole says September 29, 2015 at 2:21 pm Grains are unhealthy. There you go, being logical again. Find out why thyroid problems are so often mis-diagnosed, what really causes them, and how to heal them naturally. You might also want to do a little research on why cow manure is such a valued fertilizer, as compared the plant-waste compost. Some people have an easier time with vegan, and even raw diets due to their inherited gene expressions. Because the beans and rice for human consumption are many times, organic, no pesticides or herbicides are used. A well planned vegan diet is healthy just as a well planned omnivorous diet is healthy as well. At this very moment there is no GMO wheat or oat crops. Stating I am not proof of anything, shows that you are unable to comprehend a truth, due to your massive prejudices. I have now been vegan for 3 months (no, not long), but feel like utter crap. But some vegans are smug enough to pretend they have all the answers. When I forget to take my vitamins some of these occur. If we follow a PROPER vegan diet as so many of us do, we are doing what is best for our health, the environment and the animals (who are violently and barbarically mistreated and all for nothing). Those foods are called MEATS. According to the USDA, these people and their kids should all be dead. Reply Robert Conroy says September 17, 2015 at 9:53 am This is simply not true. And of course u still ignore the ramifications of the statements of all nutritional orgs and u fail to respond to the critique of kresser that I posted. If you care about animal cruelty, then you should accept that, living an unhealthy life is the price you are willing to pay. I was anemic and had high cholesterol when I used to consume meat and dairy products. Never expected that I would, but hopefully, I have made you think just a little bit about some of the things I have brought up, and maybe gained acceptance that what may not work or be desirable for me, may work for someone else. So, before attacking those minimizing and avoiding animal products, why not have an open mind to what they have to share and say. So I thought the blue water emphasis was not entirely accurate and misleading. So hard to get it out of her diet now that she has grown accustomed to it. The dairy industry is also mighty powerful and tells us to consume their product for strong bones because it gives us calcium. Try reading a few peer-reviewed, independent studies on human nutrition and it will become clearer. says February 2, 2015 at 10:29 am Really. Fat-soluble vitamins play numerous and critical roles in human health. Reply deanna says October 29, 2016 at 4:39 pm This is not though experiments. These important fat-soluble vitamins are concentrated, and in some cases found almost exclusively, in animal foods: primarily seafood, organ meats, eggs and dairy products. I have COMFORTABLY converted to a plant based diet, free of anything processed for the most part. in comparison to crops grown directly for human consumption (organic beans, tubers, grains) are in direct rebuttal to claims you have made. I agree any category of diet can be unhealthy: vegan, vegetarian, Western diet etc. I want to increase his T levels but I am worried that taking your above product might not reduce the estrogen levels too much. A quarter pounder then takes 3 pounds of grain, over 8 pounds of topsoil, and about 800 gallons of water, and creates lots of greenhouse gas from cow methane, processing, transportation, and refrigeration of product. than for people to eat legumes and whole grains. Though some American are able to hunt deer, catch their own fish, and buy grass fed organic products exclusively (though these animals still typically receive some grains, not required to be 100% grass fed to be labeled this way), this is a very small minority. I have been a vegetarian my whole life, I breastfed without issue, I am on the low side of iron but quite strong and healthy in middle age. If you want the answers to your individual dietary needs, refer to a licensed medical professional or 2 or 3. However it does not address the point in question and adds nothing of real value. I bought magnesium malate (by itself) individually and other types that are also good are magnesium citrate, taurate, glycinate, chloride, and carbonate. Reply Robert Conroy says September 17, 2015 at 9:59 am Grains have twice the correlation with cancer as meat. Reply Anne says April 7, 2015 at 12:38 pm No human body needs animal products. never subsidized crops fed to stock, to make it a cheap food for the masses. Regarding your opinion on children being raised vegan or vegetarian: How many vegan children do you know. Many of my colleagues and previous professors or research partners are publishing dirty research or research that is misinterpreted even by other scientists while trying to derail all of the independently funded research which is often contrary to the industry funded research. (bad stuff) It gives, a large amount of people, splitting headaches, like me. Can you please put his all in perspective. 5m long, that is correct. oh. Your New Moon festivals and your appointed feasts my soul hates. I ate a typical Western diet until I was diagnosed with stage 3. I just had my blood tested and I have perfect levels of B-12, iron, calcium, I had a full panel done. 31st, and just see how I felt. The whole point is to make it plausible otherwise no one will believe it. The GHG emissions of feedlot cows is 14. My suggestion is to avoid all sites that have something to sell. WFPB and Paleo diets both forgo processed foods (oils, refined flours, excess sugar), so there is some common ground. The mind has a lot of power, for all we know many of the effects of any diet might be placebo considering placebo can have an effect on actual health, not just feeling better. Many animals (carnivorous or omnivorous) would eat milk if they would have access to eat. I just wanted to tell you about the vitamins and magnesium is one of the most important. Perhaps if you did not project so much, you could follow the thread and recognize a bit of sarcasm. farm production animals also require B-12 supplements so they can pass on B-12 to you. There are a lot of ways to treat animals more humanely. In the America, such activities were likewise central to their lifeways, from the time the Americas were first settled. Why that bothers uninvolved parties, I do not pretend to understand. There are peoples in Africa that measure their wealth in cattle, and whose diets are rich in dairy products. Reply dor says September 17, 2015 at 3:22 am 1. The only two doctors, I have seen scientific evidence of reversal, rather than just a slow down of progression, is Dr. Reply Janelle says April 11, 2016 at 6:46 pm You are right that any diet that has to have supplements to complete it is not perfect, but plants can potentially supply everything except b12(that naturally comes along with our food as dirt) IF the soil they are grown in is as healthy, mineralized, and live as it can be. For thousands of years, humans hunted, then raised, such animals for food with relatively minimal impact on the environment. We are getting into the season when eggnog is popular. Reply Richard says January 4, 2016 at 5:26 am What you or anyone else thinks is normal does not influence my diet choices. Instead of just relying on what their information, have you researched on other papers on healthy omnivorous diets. I would point out, as non aggressively as possible, (it is difficult to use calm body language in text and everything comes across confrontational), that since you do still care about animals conditions prior to death that you still should consider your contribution carefully. Some vegans will not buy woollen jumpers, silk scarves, leather shoes, bedding that contains goose down or duck feathers, ordinary soap (usually made of animal fat), or cosmetics that contain animal products. If you want, I can give you a list of numerous citations for these examples, as well as for many others. Peanut butter mixed with sweet potato is a good way to get vitamin c with your iron and it is delicious:). Please make sure you do extensive research before stating a weak argument. She kept on me for about an hour trying to get me to change. You are doing a great job of arguing my points on sustainable ranching. I am living proof that a vegetarian diet, for someone with an uncompromised metabolism, is absolutely fine. Unfortunately, many are not aware of the potential for nutrient deficiencies posed by their dietary choices. The immune system then attacks that substance, leading to tissue inflammation and a higher lifetime risk of cancer. Getting terribly sick, developed IBS, stress, anxiety, poor skin. Australians following a vegetarian diet can still meet nutrient requirements if energy needs are met and the appropriate number and variety of serves from the Five Food Groups are eaten throughout the day. All other monthly earnings go to rents and utilities. 12 pounds. So I too would be guilty of looking abroad rather than close to home for empirical evidence. After all the proof found of the impact they make on this world. said no to grain fed beef, the same issues of poop, and land and water use would remain, even if these animals are fed forage. This lines up with an archaelogical theory that says we may have started eating animals only after a major catastrophe (like a flood). I never heard of anyone supporting a vegan diet without some details as to what is suppose to be consumed on a daily basis, did you. Because people think the rdas are carved in stone. Reply Bob says November 24, 2015 at 12:30 pm Seriously. Many of these mechanisms, however, have been demonstrated in situations in which lipid accumulation (obesity) already exists. Most omnivores who eat an unhealthy diet will end up with scary lab results, and most vegans who eat an unhealthy diet will also end up with scary lab results. Reply AnnieLaurie Burke says June 15, 2016 at 9:37 am Project much. I believe that anyone would like to avoid GMO foods (foods where a vegetable (or whatever) is genetically crossed with the herbicide Roundup). Initially, I felt great but this past year I have been starved and was not satisfied with my meals. This is a response to your UC Davis source: Did read your source from UC Davis carefully, well respected research university. Reply Jonson says June 30, 2016 at 3:34 pm Why not choose flavor. My cat knows more about animal products than you do, and by the sounds of things, she eats a healthier diet. You can also check Vegetarian Health Institute which is a brilliant simple source or Dr. One other way to see if your vitamin is working is to look at your toes. That inherent difference is, in fact, the basis of the patents held by Monsanto and other GMO manufacturers. Perhaps there was something to that article after all. So, because they failed, even if that failure was their own doing, no one else should try such a diet, and the people that are following such a diet should stop. These long-chain omega fats are found exclusively in marine algae and fish and shellfish, so the only way to get them on a vegetarian diet would be to take a microalgae supplement (which contains DHA) or bend the rules and take fish oil or cod liver oil as a supplement. So is wearing clothes vs. However, there are a couple of big problems with this. I have not received your pet cat or dog yet. That to me seems to fit why there are such varied experiences to people eating essentially the same diet. Six months on a vegetarian diet my hair become dry and brittle, I got horrible break outs, dry skin,brittle and soft nails,all ways hungry,light headed,so happy I add meat back to my diet. Learn More The Low Down on Low Carb What is a low carb diet, really. Iron Vegetarians and omnivores have similar levels of serum iron, but levels of ferritin—the long-term storage form of iron—are lower in vegetarians than in omnivores. My son is finally getting old enough (past a year) to eat foods but, is still largely breastfed, and literally cannot consume the vast quantities necessary to get 7mg of iron a day. That definitely will help the animals, if you do not buy milk or buy milk with no antibiotics or hormones. We as animals on this planet we would eat anything that provides nutrients to survive the next day. The writer has no knowledge or clue of what they are talking about. Because do you know what the defining element of the Okinawan cuisine is. Google Ellsworth Wareham, M. Reply deanna says October 28, 2016 at 2:24 pm There has been one post, completely respectful, so should not be deleted, that did not get posted. Butter has 11x the estrogen and 14x the progesterone in milk. You just have to do your research before jumping into any lifestyle. In fact, the higher intake of folate in the diet by most vegans helps prevent neurological birth defects. ) and only 31% are vegetarian. Esslestyn at Cleveland Clinic without delay. Your evidence that infants and babies go for fruits and vegetables. Thought I was just having a spirited back and forth, respectful debate, and I was respectfully, though I know laboriously at times, making rebuttal to claims and citations you gave me. We know that we process oxygen from the air we breathe. Reply MattA says December 17, 2014 at 1:36 pm There is a big difference between people who avoid eating meat and people who actually eat plants. And, Annie I will continue to read about food choices and the environment, but for now I am going to leave the blog. Thank you. It already has been suggested by papers to taper consumption to save the lake. Some people equate animals and humans thereby avoiding speciesism. Reply Lucas says February 18, 2016 at 1:04 pm All the nutrients you mentioned and all the potential benefits of eating meat can in fact be sourced on vegan diet (with a few supplements added in). Not even full vegan diet, still nearly got hospitalized for malnutrition. I was raised on a farm girl and have harvested a variety of crops, and also worked a summer in a meat packing house. This takes many acres of land for a not so large group of cattle. Chris said B-12 and iron are common deficiencies, but they are actually more common in heavy US meat eaters as vegetarians, mainly due to gastric atrophy in elderly who only eat animal products with no supplemental B-12 (95% of B-12 deficiency in US happens in meat eaters). Reply AnnieLaurie Burke says June 14, 2016 at 10:59 am The myth that the vegan lifestyle does not kill animals or adversely impact the environment is just that — a myth, and a pernicious one at that. Reply michael says April 27, 2016 at 12:15 pm Exactly. Many of Dr. They are a perfect example of interference by know-it-alls re: traditional diets. Yes many small rodents are killed in the harvesting of plants and forests are cleared which results in hurting animals BUT you do realize that as a meat eater you are resulting in 10x amount of the damage. It is so well researched and just totally debunks the Paleo movement and WAPF propaganda. Until very recent history, cattle, even grass fed, has never ever been eaten on the grand scale that Americans eat beef today. Elderly with PPI use are at very high risk. You might be surprised at the intense, negative reactions and comments you get. , not by going to a gym, but by climbing mountains, farming, etc. And we can all agree paleo and vegan are amazing just for that reason alone. Often, the inserted genetic material is not just from a different species, but can be from a completely different classifying Kingdom. I suggest more research should be done on her behalf before giving out bad advice. However, our closest relatives (chimpanzees and bonobos) are indisputably omnivores — their preferred meat is that of monkeys. As a premenopausal 98% plant-based eater, my blood iron is always very robust. Barnard and dietitians Brenda Davis and Ginny Messina, who wrote a wonderful resource, Becoming Vegan talks about how to plan a nutritionally strong vegan diet, supplemented with B-12 and some encourage an algal supplement, with physician approval. A quarter pounder then takes 3 pounds of grain, over 8 pounds of topsoil, and about 800 gallons of water, and creates lots of greenhouse gas from cow methane, processing, transportation, and refrigeration of product. In fact I feel happier AND healthier than my meat eating neighbors who are constantly going to doctors for check ups or gain and lose weight uncontrollably. going around naked in public. The key is to consume a variety of foods and the right amount of foods to meet your calorie needs. Nutritional research is perverted by industry money the same way that politics are perverted by industry money. You cannot change the meaning of terms to create your own word salad. Reply gene says December 17, 2014 at 1:24 pm I was fat all my life as a kid I was fat my life sucked out loud I started cut out the meat and the wheat and rice and corn I have got rid of a 163 lbs. One of them is vitamin D sorry hormone D which is deficient in the population as a whole whether you are a cornivor or not. Rather than fact, they insist that we accept their mythmaking. I can tell you that though accidents with farm machinery can kill small mammals seeking to do their own harvest in the fields happen, just like unfortunate fates of road kill, b this is infrequent and, obviously, unintentional. Some veg protein sources are poison to our bodies. There are thousands of articles suggesting how parents can sneak those dreaded veggies into the diets of their little ones. Regards, John Reply janice says June 28, 2015 at 12:25 pm this is the most biased muck i have ever read. But some vegans are smug enough to pretend they have all the answers. You need to take a chill pill and take a step back and try to drop the bias like I did and and try to look at everything in our view like I tried for you. The mock meat section in Veganz, a vegan supermarket in Berlin. Reply Elisa Hernandez says June 16, 2015 at 9:43 am Hi Chris. The takeaway is that the most recent studies using more sensitive techniques for detecting B12 deficiency have found that 68% of vegetarians and 83% of vegans are B12 deficient, compared to just 5% of omnivores. We would all eat to satiation and live long, fruitful and happy productive lives. While in the stomach, the gastric juices, which contain the enzyme pepsin, and hydrochloric acid, aid in the digestion of proteins, to form polypeptides. If you account for deforestation for pasture land they may be the largest. Go says October 3, 2016 at 8:19 am Yes in the vast majority of cases people do it wrong. As for the inane statement that the human body is vegan, perhaps you are composed of lignans and other green tissue, and have learned to photosynthesize. Furthermore, did you know that 15% of cows are not made unconscious using captive bolt (the most common method used to stun cows) before slaughter They are still conscious as their throats are cut open. Reply Anthoney Mahateva says December 13, 2015 at 11:47 am Henry you are right about the proteins. Dietitians of Canada A well planned vegan diet can meet all of these needs. But doctors, highly recommend people refrain from iron supplements unless treating anemia with dosage supervision by doctor. I Reply Kevin says November 25, 2014 at 3:54 pm I have eaten meat for 58 years and have also enjoyed perfect health. Reply Daniel says June 12, 2015 at 3:17 pm I was a vegetarian for two years. I do NOT want to go the conventional medicine route because I know it will entail toxic drugs, invasive interventional procedures and possibly surgeries. These zones define the longest lived people on our planet. But I do think it is common sense to agree 1,300 pound cows need more calories than 130lb. And are usually around 14 to 16 months old before slaughter. Jim says December 22, 2015 at 2:38 am Henry. It has been shown to be such by several writers, including the very Chris Kresser whose blog this is. Wild ruminants like deer, elk mountain goat, sheeps etc. I ate a chop the other night and instantly I felt heavy in the stomach and the sore joints were back in the morning. I take a magnesium malate (also known as Malic Acid) supplement. Have you never been guilty of comparing humans to animals. Reply deanna says October 28, 2016 at 5:44 pm I really want to be open minded. What do fermented grains have to do with anything. It appears she is not, so this is not an accurate comparison, and misleading. The unfortunate fact is, 50% of Americans succumb to cardiovascular disease, many times decades before their natural health span and with many years of disability. Land, in many countries on all continents, is being used to mass-produce grain and soy to feed farmed animals that are extremely inefficient at turning these plants into meat, and some of that land could be used to grow healthful plant foods that are part of the local tradition, directly for people instead. Scully and many other Christians have come to believe that Christians should reconsider supporting the horrors of corporate animal agriculture as well as the damage done to Creation by this industry. We in the US are myopically attuned to our way of factory farming. Reply Abuawad,Robert says May 26, 2016 at 12:02 am It is a mineral defficiency, easy cake. Ruminants do not digest grass in the same way humans digest plant foods. No need for physical exam, medical history, lab tests and all that science-y stuff. Vegans have lower rates of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity than meat eaters or vegetarians. They are farming based on high demands of consumers. But I suspect this can be done without the spirulina too, not sure. Many common plant foods, including tofu, quinoa and broccoli, are good sources of choline. Colin Campbell, is living proof vegan diets are not the way to go. When I get back on my Bluebonnet vitamins all of these signs stop. Reply Bubs says September 22, 2015 at 8:59 pm Factory farms where animals are unnecessarily tortured and abused their entire short lives have not been around since the dawn of time. Stop playing games AnnieLaurie Burke says October 3, 2016 at 6:37 pm You post links to biased, unscientific vegan propaganda and expect that will suffice in lieu of science. A fruitarian diet is lacking in many nutrients humans require. But I am curious if someone smarter than me may have figured out a way around this in the vegan vegetarian culture. Many of Dr. It is a tiny mountainous community where even fish consumption is rare. Reply Agatha says September 15, 2016 at 1:04 pm Hmmm. Even factory-ranch raised beef, raised by folks using the same breeds and inputs, will vary in productivity. Reply Elizabeth says June 12, 2016 at 11:26 am This is true. Kenneth Brown RHR: How To Tell If You Have A Leaky Gut RHR: Why You Need to Eat More Vegetables—and How To Do It, with Dr. He did. ) And with a diet lower than typical in omega-6 (in other words, a whole-foods, plant-based diet), conversion of short-chain omega-3s in foods like walnuts and flax seed to long-chain becomes efficient. A quarter pounder then takes 3 pounds of grain, over 8 pounds of topsoil, and about 800 gallons of water, and creates lots of greenhouse gas from cow methane, processing, transportation, and refrigeration of product. Fifthly, all your other sciencey ramblings are irrelevant and ego driven. Roundup has almost succeeded is wiping out all the milkweed in the U. Reply Alice says July 13, 2016 at 10:23 pm I see sometimes people still read this. In some cases (by their own descriptions), it appears they were not doing all they could to achieve success. I should add that these are overestimates and conservative in nature. Reply Erica says March 18, 2015 at 12:52 am Hi, I am young, really young still in my early teens, i have recently been shown the light of the cruelty and inhuman ways of factory farming. Vegetables and grasses (about 100cal. Where do fish get their omega 3 from the algaes. A quarter pounder then takes 3 pounds of grain, over 8 pounds of topsoil, and about 800 gallons of water, and creates lots of greenhouse gas from cow methane, processing, transportation, and refrigeration of product. org. Check out this article here: Reply Jen says January 18, 2016 at 8:15 pm B12 deficiency is especially common in vegetarians and vegans. Reply Luci says June 6, 2016 at 8:28 pm Look at wheat belly book from Dr Davis Reply deanna says October 24, 2016 at 7:25 am One caveat on Dr. You need to eat carbs sparingly, and avoid processed foods because they have unnatural chemicals and high calorie sources that are hidden. Reply Alice says August 2, 2016 at 5:17 pm Hey thanks for the awesome and detailed reply Celine George. There would be no moral or ethical dilemma. This scripture plainly states that Christian vegans have been bewitched by seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. And surely any diet we chose also has to be environmentally sustainable. Grass-fed livestock are, as those references note, raised on scrub and grasslands unsuitable for any agricultural purpose other than grass-feeding. Algae-derived (vegan) long-chain DHA and EPA supplements are widely available. WFPB and Paleo both forgo processed foods (oils, refined flours, excess sugar), so there is some common ground. There were two problems I, personally, had with it. Read more: Reply David says January 30, 2015 at 9:38 am Oi. Michael Klaper, Ritamarie Loscalzo, or just google any question you think of and the riches of the internet will provide a variety of answers. So glad that I did not give up my healthy vegan diet mistakenly. Human diets have varied widely, the Tarahumara and Papau New Highlanders are veganish, plant-based as well as traditional Okinawans from Japan 96-98% calories from plant sourced foods. But, I also want to be clear, some vegans are doing it for health reasons, such as reversing heart disease diabetes etc. Anyway, my temptation with going the chicken route is not really for the chicken meat, but for the chicken liver, because I see it as a way to give my children their required iron in a reliable way that does not cause cellular damage. But, as a vegan who works at an elementary school where I am exposed to viruses and bacteria daily, I am one of the very few staff members who never gets sick. More intensive study in the last two decades of those primates have shown the importance of hunting (meat acquisition) in their groups. Thanks to watching Forks Over Knives, reading Proteinaholic by Dr. Maybe in the winter, more animal based foods and less or none in the summer varying the diet throughout the year. Reply Nicole says August 26, 2015 at 1:55 pm Please note in India they also get protein from the bugs that got into their food. Reply Henry says November 28, 2015 at 1:21 am Ah the voice of reason, among all the moronic slamming, of a perfectly good vegetarian diet. The highest correlation for diet was wheat consumption and cancer. Fine. Americans, Australians, Canadians, Brazilians, Europeans are making the most GHG impacts from meat eating, because these countries are eating in many cases double and triple amount of their reasonable share of the world pie of animal products. Reply Layla says February 8, 2015 at 8:10 am You are incorrect. This is at least a well known fact in SE Asia as we give nursing mothers chicken liver to eat during their confinement to replenish iron due to blood loss. Though some Americans are able to hunt deer, catch their own fish, and buy grass fed organic products exclusively (though these animals still typically receive some grains, not required to be 100% grass fed to be labeled this way), this is a very small minority. Reply brenna says March 17, 2015 at 9:36 pm I would have to agree. When added into recipes it tastes like cheese and is a great source of B12. Reply Therese says August 7, 2015 at 3:05 pm That is so not true. which has thousands of years of understanding of the medicinal quality of food. Reply AnnieLaurie Burke says October 29, 2016 at 12:26 pm If you disagree with the study, why not argue the points with the authors. My B12 levels are great (so are my iron levels), and my doctor was relieved. Any advice (anyone) on what to expect during these early transition weeks from meat eater to plant eater. Live and let others live. All that sugar from too much fruit does that to people. Do not eat meals with tea: green, black, white, this interferes with iron absorption, but between meals is ok. The question i would have in terms of the research behind the article is who is funding it. Many people even make their own cheeses — several universities here in the Pacific NW offer cheesemaking classes. deanna says October 29, 2016 at 10:19 pm Cow manure is very intense, but also very acidic, which limits its use for some plants and soil use. Maybe this is why the vegan diet is no longer helping me. Reply Elizabeth says June 12, 2016 at 8:24 pm So let me get this straight. Reply Joe Hammerdink says June 8, 2016 at 10:39 pm Pay attention. Fermented old cheese is the only thing I would support for a dairy ingester. Very hard to focus when you are nutrient deficient. I eat the whole animal, FULLY fermented grains, raw dairy, yadda yadda yadda. Growing green beans, soy and peas in your backyard can cut this CO2 footprint even further. Above all, anything that fosters an attitude of condescension and superiority toward other people is also dangerous. Thanks for all the great tips and links and information all comes in very handy. Reply Christie Delaney says June 15, 2016 at 12:27 am The only person with contempt for anyone here is you. You will likely feel humiliated and shameful, though you have done nothing wrong. Be sure to read the other comments from vegans on b12 and then do further research into how it all works. Learn More Gut Health Research suggests that healing your gut may be the single most important thing you can do to improve your health. The animal sourced food is typically fish, and small backyard animal foods: chicken, special occasion stewed pork, with fat skimmed off, and organic eggs. I am now a 73 year old who shares barn cleaning and animal feeding chores for 100 alpacas with my husband. Many of Dr. The beans actually fix the soil with nitrogen and, do not require fertilizer, greatly reducing fertilizer runoff ruining our lakes with algal blooms (eutrophication) that kill fish and marine ecosystems. Really, meat is not necessary, is carcinogenic and just not good for you. Moreover, although vegetarians often have similar iron intakes to omnivores on paper, it is more common for vegetarians (and particularly vegans) to be iron deficient. Cooked greens and broccoli already have some vitamin C in them, but again adding fruit with them is fabulous. Whether they would act as addictive agents is pure conjecture. Okinawans also eat plenty of fibrous root crops such as taro and sweet potatoes. I started doing some math and identified lentils and beans as having 5 mg per cup. But it does pose confusion on the actual diets. Personally I prefer to look to the future not the past for my dietary needs. Reply deanna says October 31, 2016 at 8:07 am Truly, I respect your tenacity and the strength of your convictions, Annie, even though our views are contrary. by Dr. It is tiresome and my life is too busy for Internet talking. Even for those species where poaching is a big factor, so is habitat destruction. Reply Justin says May 1, 2015 at 10:06 pm How exactly is meat polluting our body. So are you basically murdering people by guilting them into a harder to manage diet that may not even be nutritious enough for them to live off from a genetic standpoint. Citations from science-based organizations that have investigated and analyzed them. Gifts are things that are given and come in brightly colored packages and that do not try to defend themselves and their young when you go to take them. This is by no means a balanced article thoug